Wednesday, January 3, 2007

End of the year 2006

Little late in publishing, but will attempt to still write about events.

Christmas eve saw us at Mark and Judy's house. The only ones not there were James and Heather, Sid and Dianne and boys.

On Christmas Day, Mark, Judy, Cassidy, Sid, Dianne, Benjamin,Jeremiah, Nathaniel and Mr. Hedger came to our house for Christmas Dinner. We had one mishap, but glad it wasn't worse. Sid was carving the turkey and all of a sudden, we heard a large bang. Mom had the potabo casserole on the front burner and she without thought turned it on. The pyrex dish exploded and glass went everywhere. So we had to dump that dish, plus another one which had glass chips in it. Sid washed off the turkey that was sprayed with glass.

After dinner we opened gifts. Battling tops made the day. This is a toy that Mark and James played when they were little. We didn't think they were still out there

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